Pest Control Comes in Many Forms

There has been a battle raging between humans and what we consider to be pests for an estimated 300,000 years. Early humans had to deal with many of the same pests we face today. The difference between then and now is that we understand pests better and therefore know how to battle them.
Furthermore, the diseases that pests caused, many of them terminal, can now be cured with modern medicine. Think about mosquito-borne illnesses such as yellow fever and malaria. These were a plague on mankind for 99.9% of its existence. If you came down with these diseases your life was altered forever. Now, a simple antibiotic shot from your doctor will almost certainly knock it out.
Back to the matter at hand. Pest control has many different approaches. According to a company that specializes inpest control in Rockledge, Florida, pest control has two main facets.
Pest Prevention
Using various methods, you can prevent pests from entering your home and not have to deal with the trouble they cause. By shoring up any cracks or openings in the façade of the home and making sure you screen doors and windows are in good working order, you can prevent the chances of getting pests by up to 90%.
Covering your drains at night can prevent roaches from crawling through. This is the #1 way roaches get in. They live in the sewers and pipes that connect each home to the sanitation system. It’s basically like a Metrorail for these dirty little scavengers.
Pest Treatment
Pest controlagents use various treatments to prevent and exterminate pests at the same time. Chemical barriers on the outskirts of your home and in crawl spaces work effectively to keep pests at bay.
Baits can be used to destroy the nest of nasty pests as well. They actually carry the bait back to the nest or hive where other pests will consume them. Within a few days, those pests will cease to be.
The more we came to understand how these invasive creatures work, the better we understood how to attack the nest. It’s not always as simple as digging it up or spraying it with store-bought pesticides. It has to be a cunning trick which can outsmart pests which have managed to survive for millions of years.
Pests like rodents require a different approach. It is true that bait can be used for them as well but many will simply turn their noses up at it. This is when traps are a good idea. You can use real food to bait a trap and trick the pest into being captured or eliminated.
Your pet is a magnet for pests suck as fleas, ticks, lice and other parasites. Once you have a flea infestation you’ll wish that you took more measures to prevent them. These pests use various methods to hitch a ride on your pet, who then unwittingly brings the into the home.
Flea baths and collars are a good way to prevent these little buggers from using your beloved pet as a source animal. These products are cheap and can be found at pretty much any grocery store.
Spotted fever, alpha-gal, Lyme disease, and various other ailments can all be contracted from parasites. If you have ever known anyone who has suffered from these diseases you know that they are life-changing and you would not wish them on your enemy.
Here are some other diseases which can be contracted from pests:
Dengue Fever: A viral infection causing high fever, severe headaches, and joint pain.
Zika Virus: Linked to birth defects (microcephaly) in newborns if contracted during pregnancy.
West Nile Virus: Can lead to fever, body aches, and, in severe cases, neurological issues.
Plague: Caused by Yersinia pestis bacteria, historically devastating (e.g., the Black Death). Symptoms include fever, swollen lymph nodes, and weakness.
Typhus: Specifically murine typhus, spread by flea bites, causing fever, headache, and rash.
Cholera: Houseflies can carry Vibrio cholerae bacteria from contaminated sources to food or water, leading to severe diarrhea and dehydration.
Salmonellosis: Spread by flies contaminating food with Salmonella bacteria, causing fever, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps.
Unfortunately, many people don’t take the threat of pests seriously until after they have already infested their domain. Some folks need to learn the hard way I suppose. Take the necessary steps to prevent and treat existing pest problems today before you regret not doing so. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.